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20 Medium Length, Low Energy, Self-Care Options for Moms

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

This is part 2 of an I-don’t-know-how-many part series. So far I have 88 self-care items on a master list, but I’m aiming to break them down so they don’t overwhelm anyone.

self care reading book

As with everything, when it comes to self-care, everyone is different. I expect you to go through this list and reject many of the ideas. That in and of itself, may be a form of self-care - speaking up for what *you* believe in!

Some are written for parents who have partners at home, some for single moms or moms whose partners are deployed or work constantly. Some are for people with depression, some aren’t. Some are written for active people, some for social people, and some for home-bodies. Some ideas cost money; most cost very little if any at all, and of course many are free. My goal was to make a list that had something for everyone.

This is NOT a to-do list. These are not goals. One is not better than another. We are wildly unique and that’s part of our beauty. How we care for ourselves will also be unique and special!

*Some of my favorite products are linked with affiliate links below.*


Part 2: 20 Medium-Length, Low-Energy, Self-Care Options

  1. Write down 3 things you are grateful for.

  2. Watch a youtube video - it's shorter than a tv show and you can choose something uplifting.

  3. Read - a book, a page, or even just 1 quote.

  4. Call someone - your friend, sibling, parent, aunt, etc.

  5. Set up a call with me - Sami @ S.U.R.E. Parenting for some support, a confidence boost, and a game plan.

  6. Buy, pick, or smell flowers.

  7. Listen to classical music.

  8. Meditate - focus on the pause between your inhale and your exhale.

  9. Count the stars - find constellations.

  10. Pet a dog or cat.

  11. Clip or file your nails if you don't have time for a full mani.

  12. Enlist someone's help so you can sleep in.

  13. Nap lightly on the couch while the kids play.

  14. Crochet or do some type of hand-craft - if you don't know how, check out Unravel Your Stress on Facebook.

  15. Do a hot foot soak with magnesium.

  16. Drink a magnesium drink. My favorite is RelaxMax (only available at The Nevada Clinic or other providers). JustRelax and Natural Calm are other options.

  17. Eat ice-cream with a small spoon to make it last longer and make you slow down.

  18. Make a list - a brain dump, a travel list, etc.

  19. Follow the what-if train and make a plan for the worst-case scenario, then what-if the opposite way because positives are possible too.

  20. Cuddle - partner, kids, pet, friend - cuddle if you need it.

Kiss cuddle dog self care


What was your favorite on the list? What felt easy? What felt out of reach? What will you use again? Check out the accompanying YouTube video on our new channel

The other parts of this series:

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